The recent amendments to the UK law on porn have sparked a heated debate among feminists and activists, who argue that the changes are inherently sexist. The amendments, which are part of the Digital Economy Act 2017, require websites to verify the age of users before allowing them to access adult content. While the intention behind the amendments is to protect children from accessing inappropriate material, many argue that the changes disproportionately impact women and perpetuate harmful stereotypes about female sexuality.

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Sexism in the Porn Industry

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One of the main criticisms of the amendments is that they fail to address the root of the problem, which is the sexist and exploitative nature of the porn industry itself. Many feminists argue that the amendments place the burden of responsibility on individuals to verify their age, rather than holding the industry accountable for producing harmful and degrading content. This perpetuates the idea that women are solely responsible for regulating their own sexuality, while ignoring the larger systemic issues within the porn industry.

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Impact on Women

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The amendments also disproportionately impact women, as they reinforce harmful stereotypes about female sexuality. The requirement for age verification perpetuates the idea that women's bodies and sexuality are inherently inappropriate and need to be regulated. This not only perpetuates shame and stigma around female sexuality but also reinforces the idea that women are passive objects for male consumption. By placing the burden of responsibility on individuals to verify their age, the amendments further marginalize women and perpetuate harmful gender norms.

Double Standards

Another criticism of the amendments is the double standards that they perpetuate regarding male and female sexuality. While the amendments focus on age verification for accessing adult content, they fail to address the harmful and degrading nature of much of the content itself. This perpetuates the idea that male sexuality is inherently more acceptable and less harmful than female sexuality, further reinforcing harmful gender norms and perpetuating inequality.

Alternative Solutions

Instead of placing the burden of responsibility on individuals to verify their age, many activists argue that a more effective approach would be to address the root causes of harmful and degrading content within the porn industry. This includes holding producers and distributors of adult content accountable for the harmful and exploitative material they produce, as well as promoting comprehensive sex education that addresses issues of consent, pleasure, and healthy relationships.


In conclusion, the recent amendments to the UK law on porn are inherently sexist and fail to address the root of the problem within the porn industry. By placing the burden of responsibility on individuals to verify their age, the amendments perpetuate harmful stereotypes about female sexuality and reinforce gender inequality. Instead of focusing on age verification, it is essential to address the harmful and degrading nature of much of the content within the porn industry and promote comprehensive sex education that addresses issues of consent, pleasure, and healthy relationships.