How To Have Incredible Sex: The One Thing Couples Recommend

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When it comes to relationships, sex is an important aspect. It can help build intimacy, increase emotional connection, and create a stronger bond between partners. However, many couples struggle with their sex life and often wonder what they can do to make it better. In this article, we will explore the one thing that couples recommend to have incredible sex.

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The Power of Communication

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One of the most important aspects of having incredible sex is communication. Couples who have great sex often attribute their success to open and honest communication with their partner. This means being able to talk about likes and dislikes, fantasies, and desires without fear of judgment or rejection.

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When both partners are able to openly communicate about their sexual needs, it creates a safe and trusting environment that allows for exploration and experimentation. This can lead to a deeper understanding of each other's desires and ultimately result in a more satisfying and fulfilling sex life.

Exploring Fantasies and Desires

Couples who have incredible sex often engage in exploring each other's fantasies and desires. This can involve trying new things in the bedroom, role-playing, or even incorporating toys and props to enhance the experience. By being open to exploring each other's fantasies, couples can create a more exciting and fulfilling sex life.

It's important for both partners to feel comfortable expressing their desires and for the other to be open to trying new things. This can lead to a deeper level of intimacy and satisfaction, as both partners feel heard and valued in their sexual relationship.

Building Trust and Intimacy

Trust and intimacy are key components of having incredible sex. When couples feel a deep level of trust and intimacy with each other, it creates a strong foundation for a fulfilling sex life. This means being able to be vulnerable with each other, sharing fears and insecurities, and feeling safe in each other's presence.

By building trust and intimacy, couples can feel more connected and open to exploring their sexual desires with each other. This can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying sex life, as both partners feel secure and supported in their relationship.

Being Present and Mindful

Couples who have incredible sex often emphasize the importance of being present and mindful during their sexual encounters. This means being fully engaged in the moment, focusing on each other's pleasure, and being attuned to each other's needs and desires.

By being present and mindful, couples can create a more intimate and satisfying sexual experience. This can lead to a deeper level of connection and fulfillment, as both partners feel valued and appreciated in their sexual relationship.


In conclusion, the one thing that couples recommend to have incredible sex is open and honest communication. By being able to talk about likes and dislikes, exploring each other's fantasies and desires, building trust and intimacy, and being present and mindful during sexual encounters, couples can create a more fulfilling and satisfying sex life. By prioritizing communication and intimacy, couples can experience incredible sex and strengthen their relationship in the process.